"When you get older you will understand!"

But when I got older, I still didn't understand. Everything was as much more complex now as it was then, they said. And nothing was as simple as I wanted it to be, but no one wanted or could explain, the world kind of just patted me on the head like it did when I was a child. So I searched the world hoping to find answers, hoping to find a truth that didn't bend any way the wind blow, a truth that wasn't relative. But the more I read and absorbed the more confused I became. And the hopelessness just took more and more space.

The big questions in the world are about which political party will win, who will be president, Ai, when will the third world war start, what are the plans of the "elite", when will the next pandemic come and when will the earth break. Both the questions and the "answers" come from the world, which has time and again proven itself incapable of sticking to the truth. Take us for example, you and me, how many times have we lied just today; in word, thought or deed. Can we even honestly answer that question, or do we justify it by simply calling them "white lies", "not the same" or "more complex"? Your truth and my truth must agree for any of it to be true. If the truth is not the same today as yesterday and tomorrow, then what kind of truth is it?

Then someone appears who says "I am the truth". Jesus says he is the truth, the way and the life; in addition, he lives his earthly life in perfection. And while the world beats its chest and preaches religious freedom, he, Jesus Christ, seems to fall outside. All religions that set him aside or deny him we are free to believe in, such a belief must be protected in several instances. But a belief in the truth the world refuses to accept, a belief in life must be opposed and a path not laid by the world we must consider wrong.

Because despite the fact that Jesus preached love, forgiveness, justice, mercy and humility, the world opposes him as persistently today as yesterday. Jesus showed that we should love our neighbour, forgive and not judge, he showed that we should not focus on the material and that we should serve each other instead of ourselves; and for that and much more good, he was persecuted and reviled.

It didn't matter how much I argued or how many arguments I listed; for the truth is that if we choose to believe the teaching Jesus lived, there is no room for darkness; for there is no evil in love, the humble does not turn aside, and the righteous does not snatch away. If we forgive instead of retaliating, the fight is over, then the light wins every time. And in the same way that a new-born child unknowingly and firmly embraces the breast, that truth landed in my heart, there was the connection to the eternal loss I had felt for all these years, but never understood.

I know you also feel that loss, because I am in no way more unique than you. And regardless of who stumbled and struggled the most on their way, the truth is the same, it is imposed on us whether we like it or not. And no matter how much we claim to know better, we know deep down that it's not true. Because no matter how many loose threads we think we've found the end of, it's only one of them that leads right. Because there is only one Truth, and it is the same today, as it was yesterday, and tomorrow.

When we dare to believe the truth that is Jesus Christ and that he gave his life on the cross so that you and I could have our sins forgiven, and that he rose again on the third day, he promises us life, and life is eternal, just like Himself is eternal.