
Proclaimers of the Narrow Gate ministry

It is a privilege to be a giver of His word and reaching out our hands to those who do not know the Lord yet.

It didn't take long after the repentance to Christ and the new birth of Jeppe before the vision of the Lords will regarding the gospel to the lost became his vision; and so the Proclaimer of the Narrow Gate ministry started to arise.

Pong ministry lives and breathes the reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation and only through repentance and the new birth in Christ are our unrighteous nature made righteous.

In the times we are living now, the path of Pong ministry is to call in believers to be further equipped unto ministry work, and to preach the Gospel to the world; for the harvest is great, but the workers are few.

The gate is small and the path is narrow.