silhouette photography of black mountain range during daytime

Everyday we are bombarded with thoughts about decisions we need to make while the world keeps filling us with even more. We have been thought to call it options, and we tell ourselves that this options are fundamental for what we today know as freedom. And yes, we can choose between different grocery stores and products; but they get their restock from the same storage and more often then not the products are produced by the same company. We can choose what company we get our electricity bill from; it’s the same cables running into our house carrying the same electricity.

And when the prices for groceries and electricity keeps rising our minds are doomed to stay occupied on finding the best deals. We are handed apps so we can follow in real-time and clean our cloth and shower when the price is right. When the gas tank goes low we gamble and wait because we know it might get a little bit cheaper before it goes back up. Meanwhile the news predicts surges of uncertainty in a world that enslaves us to that we call freedom.

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

~ Matthew 7:13-14

While we want to see this as a result of climate change, political decisions and other manmade arguments, it is without a doubt a direct part of the spiritual war that is going on. For the day is coming when the lord of Lords will once again step down from heaven; but this time he comes to gather his sheep, judge the unrighteous and condemn the darkness. In panic the lord of deception uses all his power to occupy our minds and harden our hearts, so we do not repent. So we do not seek the truth that is Jesus Christ and the salvation he bought us on Calvary; where he gave his life to redeem us from our sins as he overcome death and was risen on the third day.

For Jesus Christ is the gate we are proclaiming, through Him we can have the relationship that almighty God, our Heavenly Father, wants to have with us; for Him and the Father is one and by the Holy Spirit that we carry, we know this to be true.

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